Hand painted murals with flowers
Murals with flowers are a universal theme for those who want to create harmony and joy in their environment. We have painted eternal flowers for clients with very different profiles and goals for their walls. Below are examples of the different styles of flowers we created for a Hotel, a restaurant, a university, residential buildings and a home.
As always, everything was painted with spray paint.
The English Hotel is a perfect example of how to blend the femininity of flowers with the masculinity of sculpted marble. This mural can be seen at 920 Main St, Las Vegas.
The full wall from the English Hotel in Las Vegas.
Even though this client is part of our “Worst Client” File, the work done on the ceiling of this restaurant turned out beautiful. Cherry trees blossomed all around!
This is an example of how a small backyard wall can disappear.
The full wall composition created for our lovely client from Hawaii.
These utility blocks around UNLV were the perfect support for our flowers and bees. They received tremendous positive feedback from the students!
Another UNLV utility block.
UNLV utility block.
An example of graphic flowers painted on a series of buildings in Guadeloupe. We were hired on this project by social housing developers and worked hand in hand with their architects to come up with themes that spoke to the population and created landmarks in the community.